Comprehensive Medical Transport Services With Air-MedAssist:
Medical Air Transport: “Specialized, safe air transport staffed with experienced medical professionals.”
“Reliable, Compassionate Transport Coordination, 24/7”Medical Escort: “Supportive, expert escorts on commercial flights for patients needing extra care.”
“From Ground to Air—Expertly Arranged Medical Transport”Global Assistance: “A network that reaches around the world, ensuring help wherever you are.”
“Effortless Coordination, Trusted Providers”Ground Ambulance Transfers: "Ensuring smooth, timely transport between hospitals for patients requiring specialized care."
"Providing seamless transport for patients returning to their home country or state after medical treatment."
Interfacility Transfers: "Coordinated transfers between hospitals for specialized procedures, follow-ups, or long-term care needs."
"Facilitates efficient and compassionate interfacility transfers. These services cater to patients transitioning between care settings."